Join Brew City Corvette Club LTD
Brew City Corvette Club By-Laws Pertaining to Members. Complete By-Laws Here
To be a member in the Brew City Corvette Club LTD you must:
The enjoyment and sharing of goodwill and fellowship engendered by owning a Corvette and engaging in such social or other events as may be agreeable to the membership
- Show the highest standards of courtesy and safety on the roads
- Provide and regulate events and exhibition for Corvette owners.
- The maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the Corvette brand by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information.
- The interchange of ideas and suggestions with other Corvette Clubs throughout the world and in such cooperation as may be desirable.
- The establishment of such mutually cooperative relationships with other car clubs as may be desirable.
- Provide financial donations to qualified nonprofit charitable organizations.
- Must own a Corvette
- Attend (3) meetings prior to admittance by membership vote
- Read and understand the BCCC bylaws and mission statement
- Receive a majority vote by the BCCC membership and attendance
- Pay a one-time $25 initiation fee (new members)
- Participate in BCCC sponsored events
All obligations of the Club shall be incurred solely as corporate obligations. No officer, director or member of the Club shall be personally liable for any of the debts, obligations or acts of the Club
Excused absences/Leave of absences.
Members may be granted annually a maximum of (2) excused absences from BCCC activities by the President AND Vice President. Request for an excused absence must be made within (3) days of the activity (day before, day of, or day after). Members may be granted a leave of absence under exigent circumstances (e.g. sickness, death in family, family emergency, etc.) by the President AND Vice President
Active Member: is defined as a member who has paid dues in full by March 1st; attends at least (2) meetings or BCCC sponsored events quarterly (Jan -Mar/April-Jun/JuIy-Sept/Oct-Dec) and not on probation. An "Active Member" may include (if requested by the active member) a family-active member, one other person of the active member's immediate family, also 18 years or older, restricted to (significant other to include boyfriend/girlfriend, wife, husband), brother, sister, son, daughter, mother, or father, whether otherwise qualified for active membership by ownership of a Corvette or not. Members may be granted an excused absence or leave of absence by the President AND Vice President. The only penalty for an Active Member not meeting the aforementioned requirements, is they are disqualified from voting for officers of the club (every other year).
Disciplinary Action
Any member of the Club may be expelled, suspended, or terminated as a member and his/her membership rights terminated by the Board of Directors for unbecoming conduct or for other good cause; provided, however, that before any such order is made, such member shall be provided an opportunity to be heard orally or in writing at least five days prior to the effective date of such order, and such member shall be notified at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of such order. The notice shall be in writing and the reasons for such order stated. Members may file a grievance to settle internal disputes with other members of the club. A grievance form is available via the secretary and reviewed by the Grievance Committee.
Dues shall be set by the Club membership. Members whose dues are not paid on or before March 1st as billed shall be automatically suspended from the Club and shall cease to be in good standing until such time as such dues are paid. Members whose dues are not paid within 45 days of the beginning of the second quarter (March 1st) shall be automatically expelled from the Club.
Any member may resign his or her membership in the Club by transmitting to the Membership Committee a letter of resignation. Such a resignation shall become effective on the date stated in such letter, and his or her privileges of membership shall terminate as of that date.
Motion: Any '"Active Member" may make a motion at any meeting (where reasonable notice has been given) to introduce a new piece of business or propose a decision or action, a motion must be made by the member ("I move that ") A second motion must then also be made (raise your hand and say, "l second it.") After limited discussion the group then votes on the motion. A majority vote is required for the motion to pass (or quorum as specified in your bylaws.) The motion must be acted upon immediately and recognized as an official declaration.
At any meeting of the members, a majority (one more than half) of active members in attendance shall constitute a quorum. Every act taken or done at a meeting held with due notice at which a quorum is present shall be regarded as an act of the entire membership.
· At all meetings of members, each "Active Member" shall be entitled to one vote on any matter which may properly be brought before the members.
· A written and confidential ballot will be taken. If there are more than two candidates for any office in the annual election and no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, another ballot shall be taken between the two candidates receiving the most votes in the previous ballot.
· There shall be no voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
· Absentee ballots shall be allowed with a deadline of midnight prior to official day of vote. In cases of runoff elections absentee ballots will not be permitted
· Elections for the Board of Directors shall be held at the last meeting of year prior to term expirations, deviations from the election date can only be changed by a majority vote of "Active Members" present at the meeting.
· Members running for Board positions may announce their candidacy up to midnight prior to the day of voting.
· New members must meet the active member requirements for a full year prior to having voting privileges. Members that are ineligible to vote are also ineligible to run for board positions.
Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the members shall be held at such time and place as designated by the Board. The Board shall exercise its best efforts to give reasonable notice to the members of each regular meeting, by written notice of any such regular meeting in the prescribed or designated method (e.g., email, text, etc.), not less than 14 days or more than 30 days before such date.
Special Meetings
Special meetings of the members may be called by the Board to be held at such time and place as designated by the Board. Written notice of any such special meeting shall be in the prescribed or designated method (e.g., email, text, etc.), not less than 14 days or more than 30 days before such date.